package |
tis-anydesk |
version |
6.4.2-12 |
architecture |
x64 |
section |
base |
priority |
optional |
name |
AnyDesk |
categories |
Utilities |
maintainer |
WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Bertrand Lemoigne,Gaëtan Segat,Jimmy PELÉ,Clément BAZIRET |
description |
AnyDesk is a remote desktop application distributed by AnyDesk Software GmbH. The proprietary software program provides platform independent remote access to personal computers and other devices running the host application |
depends |
conflicts |
maturity |
locale |
all |
target_os |
redhat_based |
min_wapt_version |
2.3 |
sources | |
installed_size |
4038720 |
impacted_process |
AnyDesk |
description_fr |
AnyDesk est une application de bureau à distance distribuée par AnyDesk Software GmbH. Le logiciel propriétaire fournit un accès à distance indépendant de la plate-forme aux ordinateurs personnels et autres appareils exécutant l'application hôte |
description_pl |
AnyDesk to aplikacja zdalnego pulpitu dystrybuowana przez AnyDesk Software GmbH. To zastrzeżone oprogramowanie zapewnia niezależny od platformy zdalny dostęp do komputerów osobistych i innych urządzeń z uruchomioną aplikacją hosta |
description_de |
AnyDesk ist eine von der AnyDesk Software GmbH vertriebene Remote-Desktop-Anwendung. Das proprietäre Softwareprogramm ermöglicht einen plattformunabhängigen Fernzugriff auf Personal Computer und andere Geräte, auf denen die Host-Anwendung |
description_es |
AnyDesk es una aplicación de escritorio remoto distribuida por AnyDesk Software GmbH. El programa de software propietario proporciona acceso remoto independiente de la plataforma a ordenadores personales y otros dispositivos que ejecutan la aplicación host |
description_pt |
AnyDesk é uma aplicação de ambiente de trabalho remoto distribuída pela AnyDesk Software GmbH. O programa de software proprietário fornece acesso remoto independente da plataforma a computadores pessoais e outros dispositivos que executam a aplicação anfitriã |
description_it |
AnyDesk è un'applicazione di desktop remoto distribuita da AnyDesk Software GmbH. Il programma software proprietario fornisce un accesso remoto indipendente dalla piattaforma ai personal computer e ad altri dispositivi che eseguono l'applicazione host |
description_nl |
AnyDesk is een toepassing voor bureaublad op afstand, gedistribueerd door AnyDesk Software GmbH. Het eigen softwareprogramma biedt platformonafhankelijke toegang op afstand tot personal computers en andere apparaten waarop de hosttoepassing |
description_ru |
AnyDesk - это приложение для удаленного рабочего стола, распространяемое компанией AnyDesk Software GmbH. Проприетарное программное обеспечение обеспечивает независимый от платформы удаленный доступ к персональным компьютерам и другим устройствам, на которых запущено хост-приложение |
audit_schedule |
editor |
AnyDesk Software GmbH |
keywords |
anydesk,remote,desktop,application,remote,access,personal,computers,computer |
licence |
proprietary_restricted,wapt_public |
homepage | |
package_uuid |
valid_from |
valid_until |
forced_install_on |
changelog | |
min_os_version |
max_os_version |
icon_sha256sum |
61e27edac9e3eeb15cdea6114a0bc2f09a150e39add65fde398c03cd322aab0e |
signer |
signer_fingerprint |
signature |
None |
signature_date |
signed_attributes |
filename |
None |
size |
None |
md5sum |
sourcespath |
/var/www/wapt-testing/working_luti_directory/tis-anydesk/redhat_based |
repo |
localpath |
None |
repo_url |